MOL Hong Kong Privacy Policy

MOL Hong Kong Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “MOLHK”) complies with laws and regulations of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and other countries which activities and products of MOLHK relates to, regarding personal information protection and other data protection standards. At MOLHK, our mission is to help companies and their employees to protect their digital footprints created by the use of our offered software applications or mobile apps.

MOLHK has taken necessary measures to prevent unauthorized access and disclosure of personal information and have necessary safeguards in place to protect against loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information, and will continually review and improve the enforced control as needed from time to time.

1. Privacy policy

The privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as “the Policy”) is deliberate system of principles adopted by the organization in handling of personal information of our customers. The Policy governs the collection, use, and sharing of any personal information that is provided to us by Organizations, or Customers or Users (hereinafter referred to as “You”) as part of the Application/App that you are using or when you visit our website or choose to use our developed application or apps.

MOLHK takes great care to respect your privacy and protect your personal information and is committed to the responsible collection and use of personal information.

2. Acquisition and use of personal information

MOLHK acquires personal information, which includes personally identifiable information, by legal and ethical methods, and at the same time, devotes its utmost attention to making sure that it is used for legitimate purposes.

What information do we collect?

Personal identifiable information: We may collect personal identifiable information from you in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, when you visit our website and fill out a form or using a software application or using mobile apps, in connection with other activities, services, features or resources made available. We collect personal identifiable information from you or your representative with your consent and acceptance. You can always refuse to supply personally identifiable information, except that it may prevent you from engaging related activities of certain site.

Non-personal identifiable information: We may also collect non-personal identifiable information whenever you interact with our website. Non-personal identifiable information may include the browser name, the type of computer or mobile platform and technical information about Users means of connection to our Site, such as the operating system and the Internet Service Provider utilized and other similar information.

Our service providers may automatically log certain information, including your Internet Protocol address, your browser type and settings, the date and time of your use of the Services, information about your browser configuration and plug-ins, language preferences, and cookie data. You may choose to set their web browser to refuse cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. If you do so, note that some parts of the Site may not function properly.

How do we use the collected information?

(1) Conclusion and execution of contracts with MOLHK, and other transaction management.

(2) Confirmation of eligibility and identity of products and services of MOLHK.

(3) Registration, storage, and system processing as system user within the system of the products and services of MOLHK.

(4) Contact from MOLHK and notifications regarding to our services.

(5) Provision of information on products and services of MOLHK.

(6) Research, analysis, and audits related to the business of MOLHK.

(7) Creation of statistical information, analysis of anonymously processed information, examination of user information in aggregate and processing of other personal information for use by MOLHK.

(8) Fulfil transactions with customers of MOLHK.

(9) Collection of feedback on our sites for effective response of customers’ requests and support needs.

(10) Distribution of product updates, newsletters, service information including network upgrade, maintenance updates, etc. and response to inquiries, questions and/or other requests.

MOLHK does not use personal information without consent from the customers for any purposes other than those mentioned above.

3. Management and disclosure of personal information

MOLHK treats the acquired personal information properly. MOLHK earnestly respects the privacy of personal information and will respond immediately with appropriate measures when it is necessary to disclose, correct, stop using, or eliminate contents of information.

MOLHK does not sell, trade, rent or transfer the users’ personally identifiable information to anyone. Nevertheless, we may use third party service providers who help us to operate our business and/or administer activities on our behalf.

MOLHK may entrust personal information to third parties in order to fulfil the purpose of use as stated in Section 2. In this case, we will enter into a Non-disclosure Agreement between MOLHK and the party. Personal information may also be disclosed in situations where – we receive a request which accompanies with a legal obligation from a public organization or when we determine that it is necessary to protect the life, body, freedom, property, rights or honour of a person (including a corporation).

Except for these, MOLHK will not disclose personal information to third parties without consent from the personnel.

4. Changes to this privacy policy

MOLHK has the discretion to update this privacy policy at any time. The revised policy will take effect from the time it is posted on this web site, unless otherwise specified by MOLHK.


Last updated: 1st August 2022