Project Overview
Hong Kong FSRU project is the LNG receiving terminal in Hong Kong. In this project, MOL provides long-term operation and maintenance services for the offshore jetty as well as chartering Bauhinia Spirit (previously named as “MOL FSRU Challenger”).

Project Content
This project is conducted jointly by Hong Kong’s power utility companies, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited and The Hongkong Electric Company, Limited.
The project is Hong Kong’s first LNG receiving terminal project and forms part of the Hong Kong Government’s initiative to improve the environment, including air quality by replacing approximately half of Hong Kong’s power generation fuel with natural gas.
In this project, MOL provides long-term operation and maintenance services for the offshore jetty, where the incoming LNG carriers and FSRU will berth and perform LNG transfer operations, as well as providing Bauhinia Spirit, the largest FSRU in the world.
Hong Kong has historically been an important overseas base for MOL. In this project, MOL intends to fully utilize our strong network built over many years of business in Hong Kong. Jetty is under construction on the east of the Soko Islands, south of Hong Kong, and is planned to commence operation in 2023.
Bauhinia Spirit will be moored to the Jetty and supply natural gas to Black Point Thermal Power Plant in the New Territories and Lamma Power Station on Lamma Island via a newly constructed submerged pipeline.

We will be making modifications to Bauhinia Spirit to enhance its regasification capacity, in order to serve the large volume of gas demand from the two power plants. Our project team is working on developing specifications, ordering required equipment, securing a yard for conducting works, and managing the overall process of the modification.
Related Press Release
June 25, 2018 MOL In Exclusive Discussions To Utilize “MOL FSRU Challenger” For Hong Kong Offshore LNG Terminal Project
June 24, 2019 MOL signs deal on a long-term charter contract to utilize “MOL FSRU Challenger” for Hong Kong Offshore LNG Terminal Project
June 14, 2023 FSRU Owned by MOL Group Received First LNG for Hong Kong – Contributing to a Stable Supply of Clean Energy –