Lights-off Hour 2024

MOL switched off the light for an hour in the daytime as an 1-day anterior response to the Earth Hour 2024 (organized by WWF which was held at 8:30pm on Saturday, 23rd March 2024). We wanted to give the Earth an extra “small break” instead of giving only “An Hour for Earth” and to arouse the support among all MOL colleagues for this meaningful event.

There was an Earth Hour Carnival as well on 23rd March 2024 at the West Kowloon Cultural District with inspirational activities and interactive booths. We had encouraged everybody to join and reminded them not to be scatterbrained and slothful to switch off the light before going out while extending our genuine support together. Even small actions can make a big difference.

MOL Group is very much committed to minimizing its environmental footprint. The future of our planet actually depends on every one of us.